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Best Football Handicapper Dennis Stagliano
Award Winning National Sports Handicapper
Reprinted from Sportsbook Review 11-13-17 08:54 AM

Dennis began his handicapping career in July of 1981, after forming Eastern Sports Service. He wanted to make a name for himself, and like any aspiring handicapper, he wanted to match his handicapping prowess with professional sports handicappers.
Back in the early 80's, the most respectable monitoring service was the American Association of Documented Sports Services. The AADSS monitored results, and at the same time managed their AADSS sports handicapping service contests. Each handicapper was given a $10,000 beginning bankroll and winners were determined by their final season ending bankrolls. This was "the" sports service handicapping contest in the 80's. It was not unusual to see 100 sports services battling for the chance to use their accomplishments as documented results for advertising purposes.
Also, back in 1981, The AADSS released a list of up-and-coming sports service football handicappers. On the list was Dennis Stagliano. 1981 was also the time when Dennis finished 1st in the college football sports service contest, 2nd in the pro football contest and 1st in the college basketball sports service handicapping contest. All this accomplished against approximately 100 professional sports service owners. The biggest names in the industry battled for supremacy, and Dennis came out on top.
Dennis' next five seasons in the AADSS were spectacular campaigns. In five years, Gridiron Gold exploded onto the national sports service scene with award winning handicapping accomplishments. and in 40+ years has grown into one of the country's most respected sports services. Gridiron Gold originated in upstate N.Y. Since then they've opened offices in Pittsburgh, PA., Dallas, TX. and Las Vegas. Expansion has occurred, but their solid sports service still remains the same.
As far as sports service handicapping contests are concerned, Dennis' documented records are outstanding. After that awesome 1981 award winning season, he continued with the same handicapping excellence, while earning the following accolades.
Rated Nations No. 1 Football & Basketball Sports Service Handicapper - H&H Sporting Times
Rated Nations No. 1 Football & Basketball Sports Service Handicapper - Experts Magazine
Rated Nations No. 1 Football & Basketball Sports Service Handicapper - Million$ Magazine
Rated Nations No. 1 Football Sports Service Handicapper - Sports Features Syndicate
Martin Mendelsohn, the director of the American Association of Documented Sports Services, had this to say about Dennis.
"A long time documented sports service handicapping superstar. Dennis is in the enviable position of breaking his own all-time AADSS Single Contest Earnings Record every time he wins a game. I don't know what more I can say about Dennis, he surely is one of the most successful AADSS performers through many seasons. The best sports service football handicapper I have ever had the privilege to monitor. A splendid performer, past, present and I sure wouldn't want to bet against the future". Now that's a pretty remarkable accomplishment!
Ron Sataloff, President, Sports Features Syndicate Inc. had this to say about Dennis.
"65% Football Handicapping Winning Pct. And For the First Time Ever, a Sports Service Football Handicapper Went the Entire Season Picking 4 Games Weekly In our National Newspaper Professional Handicapping Contest Without a Single Losing Week"!
- In the 2004 football season, the Pres posted picks for The Sports Network website. the Pres' Gridiron Gold college and pro football selections finished above the coveted 60% mark. the Pres has written articles for newspapers, magazines and websites and more. Nevertheless, he prefers to spend his time doing the nitty gritty work of picking football winners. His article, ' The ABC's of Beating the Book" is posted all over the web, and may assist you in preventing the pitfalls of sports handicapping.
Dennis' reputation is one of integrity, honesty and long term consistent winning results. Gridiron Gold's guaranteed sports picks and handicapper performances are documented and monitored by a tough group of watchdogs, otherwise known as their clients. Gridiron Gold is unique in the fact that they post their guaranteed sports picks right after kickoff. Unlike others, their entire season record is visible. This ensures customers, without a shadow of a doubt, they're getting the same sports picks as everyone else.

Dennis is committed to providing a high quality experience for clients that is perceived by them to be an outstanding value exceeding their expectations. I will provide the friendliest, timeliest, most courteous and professional sports service possible, serving sports bettors as I would want to be served. I will continue to produce the best college football predictions and nfl football predictions I know how. Rest assured I shall strive to do everything possible to merit your respect, trust and confidence without ever misleading you about the possibilities that exist in this chancy exercise.
Gridiron Gold Company Slogan: "The Sports Service You Can Bet On"
Gridiron Gold Sports
Dennis Stagliano

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